Estate & Retirement Planning

Manage and Protect Your Assets

Whether you take the reigns or prefer to work with a Financial Planner, we can provide the legal framework to best utilize your assets for retirement and beyond. An estate plan can also shield some assets from your creditors or from the creditors of your beneficiaries, preserving those assets for other generations. It may also spare your loved ones the complicated and expensive process of managing your affairs when you pass away or become disabled.

Avoid Probate

Avoiding probate is probably the best known and most repeated reason for seeking an estate plan- and for good reason. The probate process is expensive, public, and can take months before your loved ones, including your spouse, can access and use the assets you’ve left for them. Probate is also very easy to avoid with proper planning. Using trusts and other legal tools, your assets can transfer to their intended recipients quickly, privately, inexpensively, and without the interference of a court.

Providing for Minor Children

Every parent should have a plan for the care of their child or children should the worst happen, most importantly the person or persons they would trust to raise their child. Without a plan, this decision is left entirely up to a court that will be unaware of your wishes or preferences regarding your child’s upbringing. And even if the court should choose the person you would have wanted, the court may place restrictions and burdens on them, like requiring annual reports and accountings to the court.

Proper planning allows you to thoughtfully choose the guardian or guardians you trust, and provide them with guidance and financial support to raise your child or children. Legal instruments can set aside assets specifically for your children and contain directions for how those assets should be used.

Planning for Death Taxes

The estate tax exemption in Massachusetts is $1,000,000. This means that if your total assets upon your death total even $1,000,500, the tax can be up to 16% of your entire estate, and your loved ones with receive that much less support.

We use simple and well-established legal strategies that can reduce or eliminate this and other “death taxes”, and ensure that more of your assets are preserved for your loved ones.